Fine needles are used to create tiny pricks in the outermost layer of your skin. This triggers your skin’s natural wound-healing reaction, so old cells slough off and new ones are created more quickly. There is also increased production of collagen and elastin, compounds that make your skin smooth and strong. Microneedling is incredibly effective in improving the appearance of your skin in a minimally invasive way, as there is no blood loss, incisions, and minimal risk of infection.

CONSIDER MICRONEEDLING TO : create a more youthful and radiant complexion | reverses sun damage | prevents & reduces signs of aging | minimizes appearance of scars | improves delivery of tropical serums & anti-aging creams

TREATMENT: You’ll benefit most from a series of three or more treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. Dr. Johar helps you determine your exact treatment plan depending on your skin’s condition and aesthetic goals. Improvements will be noticed within a week. Maximum results appear in a few months, when the collagen has had a full opportunity to develop and improve your skin’s tone, texture and firmness.

POST TREATMENT: Immediately following a microneedling session, your skin may be slightly inflamed as if you’re sunburned. You may also notice mild swelling, bruising, or even light, pinpoint bleeding. This inflammation usually resolves within a few hours, but you may have a slightly pinker appearance for up to two days. It is especially important to use sunscreen for skin protection after a microneedling session.